The Map of Middle Earth
As the Coastal storms that swept the Shire rescinded, the smell of a new season was in the air. However the sand that had blown into Edoras (St annes) was causing some villagers distress! The Rhohirrim Cavalry had tried hard to move the deposits (see picture on dunes) but this is a battle that cannot be won overnight. Elves are keen to look at a possible collection points for the sand, but will have to ensure that the Coastal defences of the Shire are not undermined as a result.
The 2000 new sapling additions which had been planted within the Walls of Mordor were strengthening their roots. After the recent Elven success at the Battle of the Budget, Rohirrim soldiers were busy planting another several thousand new trees in the Shire. These will be a welcome addition to the strength of the Fangorn Forest. After this recent battle success the re-building of the Shires enclaves has been given a new boost. Growth and re-generation is now in the air.
The chronicles highlighted the plight being faced by the Elves and Rohan Cavalry in protecting the Shires green spaces and watering holes, the picture of the two wet fish on the co
ver said it all. Gollum's favourite fare would now be in short supply for some time!
Elve soldiers guarding the Edoras settlement were concerned about the plans for a new Inn in the heart of the market. They met with the Fellowship. Following dialogue the Inn Keepers, the Landlords have withdrawn the sketches. Stabling Issues in Edoras in particular are still receiving much coverage in the chronicles, Shire folk visiting Edoras must be aware of the stable markings before leaving their steeds. Gimil has taken on this challenge and new boundaries will be marked out by Spring.
The Fellowship met to discuss the future of the Dead Marshes and, how the Forces of Light could continue their successful missions into the Countryside surrounding Minus Mogul. The area of Cirith Ungol (Singleton) is guarded by 'Shelob , the Spider of Darkness' the second generation of gate keeper's to Isengard and Minus Mogul. The area once under the protection of Elve Loftus was a vital link for the Forces of Light in the battle against the Dark Forces. Elve Loftus had to leave the Shire half way through his tour of duty and the Dark Forces had used this opportunity to recapture the territory.
The Dead Marshes earned it's name after Shelobs predecessors handed all powers of control for the provision s
port and leisure facilities for young lings and Men alike, over to Saruman. Singleton Villagers are now forced to travel to the walled city of Isengard (Elswick) for their leisure provision. With their Independence lost the villagers of the Marshes region will need to assist in the return of the Elves to ensure the re-building of the outposts facilities.
As the Coastal storms that swept the Shire rescinded, the smell of a new season was in the air. However the sand that had blown into Edoras (St annes) was causing some villagers distress! The Rhohirrim Cavalry had tried hard to move the deposits (see picture on dunes) but this is a battle that cannot be won overnight. Elves are keen to look at a possible collection points for the sand, but will have to ensure that the Coastal defences of the Shire are not undermined as a result.
The 2000 new sapling additions which had been planted within the Walls of Mordor were strengthening their roots. After the recent Elven success at the Battle of the Budget, Rohirrim soldiers were busy planting another several thousand new trees in the Shire. These will be a welcome addition to the strength of the Fangorn Forest. After this recent battle success the re-building of the Shires enclaves has been given a new boost. Growth and re-generation is now in the air.
The chronicles highlighted the plight being faced by the Elves and Rohan Cavalry in protecting the Shires green spaces and watering holes, the picture of the two wet fish on the co

Elve soldiers guarding the Edoras settlement were concerned about the plans for a new Inn in the heart of the market. They met with the Fellowship. Following dialogue the Inn Keepers, the Landlords have withdrawn the sketches. Stabling Issues in Edoras in particular are still receiving much coverage in the chronicles, Shire folk visiting Edoras must be aware of the stable markings before leaving their steeds. Gimil has taken on this challenge and new boundaries will be marked out by Spring.
The Fellowship met to discuss the future of the Dead Marshes and, how the Forces of Light could continue their successful missions into the Countryside surrounding Minus Mogul. The area of Cirith Ungol (Singleton) is guarded by 'Shelob , the Spider of Darkness' the second generation of gate keeper's to Isengard and Minus Mogul. The area once under the protection of Elve Loftus was a vital link for the Forces of Light in the battle against the Dark Forces. Elve Loftus had to leave the Shire half way through his tour of duty and the Dark Forces had used this opportunity to recapture the territory.
The Dead Marshes earned it's name after Shelobs predecessors handed all powers of control for the provision s

Shelob is a vital link for the Dark Forces. Her stewardship of the Dead Marshes and the guarding of the Eastern path to Mountain Doom secures Sarumans hold on the territory. With her ability to freeze Elve and Man alike with her powerful venom and dark glare Shelob can often be found at the Witch King's right hand.
The Chronicles report of the Elven victory at the Battle for the Budget was well received by villagers across the Shire. The Battle marked a turning point for the Kingdom in that the fellowship proved it was determined to re-build town and village and use the power of positive to push back Sauron and Saruman. The monument in Erec (Lytham) being secured at the Battle now has an Elve detachment in charge of the re-building with Rohirrim soldiers being dispatched to start the works.
The Battle for the Budget also sent out a clear message to those villagers trapped under the spell of the Witch King, that the Elves were already putting in place foundations for the re-building of Mordor after the Spring Campaign. With the Dark forces removed from the enclave then the Elves would be able to make unhindered progress. The power of negativity is strong and many soldiers have been lost in past clashes with the Witch King. History has shown the Fellowship that whilst the Witch King is in Power the Gates of Mordor are impenetrable and Mordor's fate temporarily sealed. The Spring Campaign will be the Elves best opportunity for another four Summers to release the villagers and merchants of Mordor from tyranny.
The Elves will again ride out to Mordor this week to meet with resistance fighters operating from within the ancient fort's walls. Sarumans plans to scrap the Fellowship (Cabinet) of Elves would be a disaster for the Shire, his plan would return the Shire to the state of the 12 year darkness experienced before 2003, Rulers of the surrounding Kingdoms as well as those representing the Palace of Westminster have met with Aragorn to lodge their concerns at the risk to the continued stability of both the Shire and the rest of Middle Earth should the Shire fall to the FIG Army and the Dark Lord in the Spring. Their offer of Arms was welcomed. The FIG/Orc army believed to be 30 strong and massing within Mordor are being watched by the Elven resistance, their battle tactics passed back to Helms Deep.
The march towards the final campaign continues, the 4th April will see the Elves ride out to the far corners of Gondor for the final call to arms, rallying the Forces of Light, they will hope to strike at the very heart of Saurons empire.