The Chronicle reported Gimils return to the matter of residents, handling and resting their steeds close the places of teaching for young lings. The practice of irresponsible tethering of steeds on busy routes, close to the

The chronicle stays with issues relating to young lings, acknowledging the vital work done by villagers in Erec in supporting facilities for the towns youth. This is a strong positive message, one which should be noted by those kept under the spell of the Witch King in Mordor. Villagers are a valuable resource to the Elves and the commitment by them to support 'Friends of Groups', should act as a catalyst to roll back the forces of darkness across the Shire.
The Rohirrim troops began the work on the access gates to Edoras this week. After the 12 years of Orc occupation destroyed all but the foundations of the Capital, the Market centre is now almost re-built, the final phase will see the cold winds from the West diverted away from the busteling centre. It is hoped that Villagers and Merchants will then be able to go about their business vertically, rather than at a 90 degree angle!
The Chronicle last week reported the dangerous sortee into the heart of Mordor by Aragorn and Legolas, their mission to make contact with Merchants sympathetic to the Forces of Light. To this aim the quest was a success. The Witch King was soon alerted to the

Aragorn was busy with the issues of sand in Edoras again this week, most of the Sand Grown Un's for the capital are prepared for the seasonal hardships brought when the drifts appear. In living memory, the Rohirrim Troops have cleared the drifts from the boundaries of the towns folks dwellings, without the need for Gold to cross palms. This long standing practice continues. A suspected Orc sympathiser attacked Aragorn, with a cowardly low blow, regarding his inability to hold back the sand and collect every grain from the byways of the Shire. Aragorn has thick armour. Villagers know that this Orc instigated criticsm is both unfounded and untrue. However, I suspect Aragorn and Eomer are wise to the murky waters of the tabloid chronicles and will know that they have to ensure better preparation of tactics when dealing with Chronicle Oracles in future. Aragorn was finally acknowledged in the Chronicle for rolling up his sleeves and tackling the issue of littering, in all a busy week for Aragorn in the pages of the Chronicle.
The fellowship was also concerned that villagers were unaware of the pledge to refund all gold to those villagers that had purchased an annual bathing permit for the Edoras Spa, during the period of its repair. Villagers are able to claim back their gold or will receive an extension of their Spa pass to for the period of the spa's closure. Soldiers despatched from Helms Deep have worked tirelessley in an attempt to get the healing Spa re-opened, but the strom damage had been extensive. Safety must come first, Legolas has said, the Brokers from Zurich will ensure that the fellowship gets back all the monies lost through the storm damage and the loss of spa users income. Taxes across the Shire will not rise as a result.
Gandalf has spent much time on the issue of Mordor. How to use his powers against the Dark Lord and the Witch King was the challenge, when yet another negative message had been drafted in a despatch to the Chronicle. The challenge he faces is: 'how do you plan for a battle that will have no end'? The void of Darkness cast by the Witch King could never be closed until the King was driven from Mordor and Middle Earth for ever. Every time Sarumans loyal follower opens her mouth or puts quill to parchment the 'spell of lies and half facts' is again cast over whom ever hears or reads the words. Many in Mordor have had the spell lifted by Gandalf, but there are still many dwellings that will need a visit, by the White Wizard and his Elven troops. The issue of how much Gold is spent in Mordor is not the issue here, it is the very future of the Witch King which is at the heart of her despatch. The 200,000 gold pieces to be spent on the memorial gardens will need to be increased, now that Eomer and his troops have discovered that the very foundations of Mordor are being rocked by the years of neglect under the Orc Occupation. The Witch King taxes villagers in Mordor 8000 gold pieces every year for the Village Hall, which sits at the crest of the Memorial Gardens, when the very ground it sits on is crumbling! Why when the King committed huge sums of the Villagers taxes to the Hall did she not ensure that the foundations were strong? Yet again the Elves will ride to the rescue, and support Mordor in it's hour of need. The Town Council ruled by the King should be raising more money to help rebuild Mordor, it's has no other purpose but to run the Hall and act as a trophy for the King. Elves had pledged to return the keys of Mordor to the villagers.
The King has again shown it's inability to retain and transfer facts gathered from within in Helms Deep to the villagers under her command. The commitment to long term spending in Mordor by the Elves, runs from year to year. Her tactic is to confuse and cast doubt. Elves are aware that Orcs are damaging Mordor. At the battle of the budget the Elves pledged two extra CCTV cameras for the Borough, by doing so this enables the ones located in the Forts grounds by our allies in the Safety Partnership, to remain longer, as the two new ones can be used elsewhere - Eleven logic as opposed to Ringwraith half truths. The mobile camera unit will again be supported by the Elves and added too as a useful weapon against evil and nuisance in the Shire.
The cost of the stabling block in the market centre in Mordor costs Elves 40,000 gold pieces a year to retain as free for villagers and merchants. The upkeep of the stables is also a commitment that elves have pledged to retain, this will be borne by villagers from across the Shire. Those are the facts but the King decries them, splitting hairs and words. The input of the Fellowship in returning Mordors' long departed Market centre clock, will be the next fact denied by the Witch King!
Gandalfs word is true, the recent despatch delivered fact - the powers of light eminating from within Mordor are starting to weaken the Witch King. Villagers must take heed that the worst of the storm is still to come.
Readers will be unaware of the second chamber of Elves within the Shire. Elven and Human Elders sit on the Council known as the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP or Fylde Vision) All members of the Fellowship Cabinet sit at the table of the LSP supported by Elves from within Helms Deep and humans from supporting clans such as; Marshalls, Healers, Merchants, Holy Men and Forrest protectors to name but a few. The Fellowship works hard with the LSP to ensure the Shire is protected. The Central Ward in Edoras will benefit from the multi agency gold pieces pledged. Villagers, Merchants and Young Lings will all see the many benefits from the pledged 300,000 gold pieces. The higher chamber has also pledged that when finished in Edoras in 2009 they will bring light to the South Ward in Mordor.

Legolas and Elve Wilson were keen to show that the forces of light have began to return the treasurers of the Shire back to Helms Deep. Many treasures were damaged or left to rot by the Orc's during their 12 year reign, many villagers had never known such treasurers existed. Legolas and elve Wilson set about ensuring the ancient tapestrys and colours of the Shire were put back on display for all to enjoy. The gates of Helms Deep will be thrown open to villagers in a bid to bring enlightenment to all that gaze upon them. A festival of celebration will also be held in Edoras to celebrate the repair of the moat bridge at the Capitals Eastern access. After the many months of hardship experienced by merchants, Elves are keen to see them rewarded for their patience and commitment to the Market centre.
The role of an Elven defender to the Shire is known as being a difficult task, the fellowship