Wednesday, March 28

Chapter 9 - Chronicle of the 28th March

The opposing forces clashed in Erec this week, Aragorn and the fellowship were out in force. The Dark Forces were led by the Witch King as Saruman and Wormtongue failed to arrive at the battle field. Followers of the adventure can view this weeks battle now:

The 'Precious' is the ultimate goal. Manuscripts written by the Elves lay out the future for the Fylde, when finally the Dark Forces be defeated and driven from the Shire. These enchanted records are a record of the Elves commitment to the Shire. No such documents existed prior to the war 0f Summer 2003.

Gollum had been unusually quiet for a number of weeks? Elven spies had discovered why! Gollum had been deep in the heart of the shire working with Saruman and Sauron to undermine the elves. The message to be adopted by the Orc's was hatched from Gollums long term policy of 'lie shamelessly and stir endlessly' this decree had come via a dispatch from a former Orc commander, based in the Palace of Westminster his name was Kennedy. Gollum had used his teaching to spread the Orc policy of negativity.

An elven spie had captured Gollum out canvassing for support in Edoras, his attempt to be seen as trustworthy and well groomed had somehow been lost somewhere? Villagers across the Shire should take heed, the only way to recognise that you have Gollums infiltrators in your midst, is through their desire to wear a brooch of gold on their lapel.

Saruman had also been hatching his strategy for the May campaign. Saruman had ordered the Witch King to send a counter dispatch to the Chronicle to try and undermine a pledge made by the Elves. The Eleven pledge was to review stabling of villagers chargers across the Shire. A sensible policy that would not lead to unnecessary financial burden on villagers or merchants. Gimil had already carried out his pledge to reform the stabling in Edoras (St annes) The market centre now had clear boundaries in the stables so residents were under no doubt as to where to leave their steeds.

The Witch King in a blind panic when learning of the pledge decreed 'free stabling for all' across the Shire, without mentioning to villagers that Ringwraiths would soon be swooping of the Shire for much more tax as a result! A meeting of the fellowship was convened to discuss the damage this Dark Forces Pledge would reap on the Shire - the estimated cost to villagers, 500,000 gold pieces every year! Orc's would raise taxes by 10%, 60 gold pieces per dwelling across the Shire. The Elves will fight to the last soldier in the May battle, as the destruction of Helms Deep and the Shire was already obvious if Orc's were to succeed!

The Chronicle reported the departure from the Shire of an Old Friend of the Elves Bilbo Baggins (Cllr Eric Bamber), Bilbo had been a loyal defender of Helms Deep for 34 years. His many battles with Sauron and Saruman over the ages had been well documented and will go down in Eleven history. This distinguished Hobbit has been recognised as a Alderman of the Shire and his tales of his adventures will be missed. The Forces of Light wish him a safe passage in his future adventures.

Spring has now turned to Summer in the Shire, the Rhohrrim troops and Elves had spent many days clearing the Coastal Strip of Sand. Now the battle had to be 100% focused on the March to the final Battle. Just 72 hours remain until the sounding of the 'call to arms' horn within Helms Deep. Elves, Humans, Orcs and Ringwraiths had travelled from the far corners of the Shire to Helms Deep, this week to take advantage of the short amnesty called by Eomer.

The amnesty hosted every four years at Helms Deep is called the ceremony of 'Nailing Colours to the Mast' The tradition has been unchanged for 33 years, Orc's wear two main colours under their armour: Red or Gold, some, the Elves Believe, are attracted to the colour Blue. An Orc would soon be slain by Saruman or the Witch King if they were to be discovered looking towards the Light.

The ceremony ends at noon on Wednesday. Villagers will then know whether their villages will be under siege by the Orcs or the protection of the Elves. Elven warriors have been arriving in the Shire from all over Middle Earth, many parchments have been left for villagers in recent days, asking for them to join the Elves en-mass on the 3rd May. Those willing to fight will receive their battle orders and a list of Rallying points from Eomer in just 3 weeks.

As the week drew to a close a massive negative wave, emanating from Mordor was sent out across the Shire. The message written by the witch king, yet delivered by her head Ringwraith, the commander of the Dell Garrison in Mordor was devastatingly gloomy. The negative Wave was translated by an Oracle in the neighbouring Kingdom of Blackpool. The Wraith tongue is hard to decipher, as those whom read too much can fall under the dark spell of the Witch King. The message read that the Elves were planning some sort of attack on the Spa within Mordor?

The Witch King, although devious is also predictable. Her simple plan is to always report the opposite of the truth to the villagers of Mordor, negativity is a very powerful weapon! Elves had rebuilt the Spa when they were last stationed in the ancient town. During the 12 years of Darkness the Witch King and Saruman had decreed that no gold was to be spent on rebuilding in the Shire. As a result the Spa, along with so many facilities in the Shire had fallen into disrepair. Legolas had been forced last summer to close the spa as bolts of lightening were seen emanating from the walls of the ancient bathing site, the threat of harm to villagers was deemed great! Frodo and Legolas dispatched a crack unit from the forces of light to the Spa, their task to push back the Orcs, remove the danger and return calm to the waters of Mordor. This was done.

The Elves recognise the healing benefits of the Spa and the need for villagers to use the waters to build strength and train young lings. Villagers must be warned that a return to the years of darkness could see the Spa doomed by the change of the next season.

Four brave Elves will be dispatched to Mordor by Aragorn at the close of the 'colours to mast' ceremony. Their task to rally the villagers of Mordor by helping to dilute some of the Witch Kings powers, this dangerous quest should enable those villagers strong in will to build up enough resistance to help topple the Ring Wraiths and their grip on Mordor on the 3rd of May. The villagers must get to the gates of Mordor by the 3rd, if they are able to link up with the Forces of Light, then Mordor will fall.

Sunday, March 18

Chapter 8 - Chronicle of the 22nd of March - Elves enter Mordor

The Elves had revealed some of their pledges to the Villagers of the Shire, subject to a successful campaign in the Spring. The quest for the precious was intensifying. The determination of Gollum and his fellow mischeif makers was now very obvious. With Gollums help the Dark Forces hoped to worry the Shires folk into pledging an early allegiance to avoid later retribution. The fellowships powers are strengthening and their Garrisons are rested, they are better prepared than ever to stop Saruman and Sauron. It is a time for the Elves hold their nerve.,wmv-56-p.1001659-69317,wmv-300-p.1001661-69317,wmv-28-p.1001659-69317&id=1807537463&f=1807537463&mspid=1807792085&type=c&a=0,15

The Chronicle reported Gimils return to the matter of residents, handling and resting their steeds close the places of teaching for young lings. The practice of irresponsible tethering of steeds on busy routes, close to the Shires teaching places, will now be monitored by Marshalls and Rohirrim soldiers. Gimil has had many skirmishes in recent weeks and the Elven Council, supports the troll's determination to bring 'common sense' to the Shire.

The chronicle stays with issues relating to young lings, acknowledging the vital work done by villagers in Erec in supporting facilities for the towns youth. This is a strong positive message, one which should be noted by those kept under the spell of the Witch King in Mordor. Villagers are a valuable resource to the Elves and the commitment by them to support 'Friends of Groups', should act as a catalyst to roll back the forces of darkness across the Shire.

The Rohirrim troops began the work on the access gates to Edoras this week. After the 12 years of Orc occupation destroyed all but the foundations of the Capital, the Market centre is now almost re-built, the final phase will see the cold winds from the West diverted away from the busteling centre. It is hoped that Villagers and Merchants will then be able to go about their business vertically, rather than at a 90 degree angle!

The Chronicle last week reported the dangerous sortee into the heart of Mordor by Aragorn and Legolas, their mission to make contact with Merchants sympathetic to the Forces of Light. To this aim the quest was a success. The Witch King was soon alerted to the Fellowships encroachment of Mordor by the Ringwraith tasked to guarding the 'Dell clearing' Gandalf's despatch called for a meeting of Merchants to discuss the forming of a Brotherhood as well as sending a positive message of light and hope for the future of Mordor should the Orc protectorate fall in the Spring. The Ringwraiths hurriedly convened a shadow meeting of their own, trying to reinforce their dark spell on the merchants. Such is the power of the Witch King many villagers are unaware that she wears three crowns, one which she wears in Mordor, the other in Helms Deep and the last one in the County Palace in Preston. The Kings stranglehold on Mordor, not only isolates it's villagers from the rest of the Shire but is slowly squeezing the life blood from the ancient fort through lack of real action. Her spells are strong and the fight to lift it from Mordor will take many Elves.

Aragorn was busy with the issues of sand in Edoras again this week, most of the Sand Grown Un's for the capital are prepared for the seasonal hardships brought when the drifts appear. In living memory, the Rohirrim Troops have cleared the drifts from the boundaries of the towns folks dwellings, without the need for Gold to cross palms. This long standing practice continues. A suspected Orc sympathiser attacked Aragorn, with a cowardly low blow, regarding his inability to hold back the sand and collect every grain from the byways of the Shire. Aragorn has thick armour. Villagers know that this Orc instigated criticsm is both unfounded and untrue. However, I suspect Aragorn and Eomer are wise to the murky waters of the tabloid chronicles and will know that they have to ensure better preparation of tactics when dealing with Chronicle Oracles in future. Aragorn was finally acknowledged in the Chronicle for rolling up his sleeves and tackling the issue of littering, in all a busy week for Aragorn in the pages of the Chronicle.

The fellowship was also concerned that villagers were unaware of the pledge to refund all gold to those villagers that had purchased an annual bathing permit for the Edoras Spa, during the period of its repair. Villagers are able to claim back their gold or will receive an extension of their Spa pass to for the period of the spa's closure. Soldiers despatched from Helms Deep have worked tirelessley in an attempt to get the healing Spa re-opened, but the strom damage had been extensive. Safety must come first, Legolas has said, the Brokers from Zurich will ensure that the fellowship gets back all the monies lost through the storm damage and the loss of spa users income. Taxes across the Shire will not rise as a result.

Gandalf has spent much time on the issue of Mordor. How to use his powers against the Dark Lord and the Witch King was the challenge, when yet another negative message had been drafted in a despatch to the Chronicle. The challenge he faces is: 'how do you plan for a battle that will have no end'? The void of Darkness cast by the Witch King could never be closed until the King was driven from Mordor and Middle Earth for ever. Every time Sarumans loyal follower opens her mouth or puts quill to parchment the 'spell of lies and half facts' is again cast over whom ever hears or reads the words. Many in Mordor have had the spell lifted by Gandalf, but there are still many dwellings that will need a visit, by the White Wizard and his Elven troops. The issue of how much Gold is spent in Mordor is not the issue here, it is the very future of the Witch King which is at the heart of her despatch. The 200,000 gold pieces to be spent on the memorial gardens will need to be increased, now that Eomer and his troops have discovered that the very foundations of Mordor are being rocked by the years of neglect under the Orc Occupation. The Witch King taxes villagers in Mordor 8000 gold pieces every year for the Village Hall, which sits at the crest of the Memorial Gardens, when the very ground it sits on is crumbling! Why when the King committed huge sums of the Villagers taxes to the Hall did she not ensure that the foundations were strong? Yet again the Elves will ride to the rescue, and support Mordor in it's hour of need. The Town Council ruled by the King should be raising more money to help rebuild Mordor, it's has no other purpose but to run the Hall and act as a trophy for the King. Elves had pledged to return the keys of Mordor to the villagers.

The King has again shown it's inability to retain and transfer facts gathered from within in Helms Deep to the villagers under her command. The commitment to long term spending in Mordor by the Elves, runs from year to year. Her tactic is to confuse and cast doubt. Elves are aware that Orcs are damaging Mordor. At the battle of the budget the Elves pledged two extra CCTV cameras for the Borough, by doing so this enables the ones located in the Forts grounds by our allies in the Safety Partnership, to remain longer, as the two new ones can be used elsewhere - Eleven logic as opposed to Ringwraith half truths. The mobile camera unit will again be supported by the Elves and added too as a useful weapon against evil and nuisance in the Shire.

The cost of the stabling block in the market centre in Mordor costs Elves 40,000 gold pieces a year to retain as free for villagers and merchants. The upkeep of the stables is also a commitment that elves have pledged to retain, this will be borne by villagers from across the Shire. Those are the facts but the King decries them, splitting hairs and words. The input of the Fellowship in returning Mordors' long departed Market centre clock, will be the next fact denied by the Witch King!

Gandalfs word is true, the recent despatch delivered fact - the powers of light eminating from within Mordor are starting to weaken the Witch King. Villagers must take heed that the worst of the storm is still to come.

Readers will be unaware of the second chamber of Elves within the Shire. Elven and Human Elders sit on the Council known as the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP or Fylde Vision) All members of the Fellowship Cabinet sit at the table of the LSP supported by Elves from within Helms Deep and humans from supporting clans such as; Marshalls, Healers, Merchants, Holy Men and Forrest protectors to name but a few. The Fellowship works hard with the LSP to ensure the Shire is protected. The Central Ward in Edoras will benefit from the multi agency gold pieces pledged. Villagers, Merchants and Young Lings will all see the many benefits from the pledged 300,000 gold pieces. The higher chamber has also pledged that when finished in Edoras in 2009 they will bring light to the South Ward in Mordor.

Legolas and Elve Wilson were keen to show that the forces of light have began to return the treasurers of the Shire back to Helms Deep. Many treasures were damaged or left to rot by the Orc's during their 12 year reign, many villagers had never known such treasurers existed. Legolas and elve Wilson set about ensuring the ancient tapestrys and colours of the Shire were put back on display for all to enjoy. The gates of Helms Deep will be thrown open to villagers in a bid to bring enlightenment to all that gaze upon them. A festival of celebration will also be held in Edoras to celebrate the repair of the moat bridge at the Capitals Eastern access. After the many months of hardship experienced by merchants, Elves are keen to see them rewarded for their patience and commitment to the Market centre.

The role of an Elven defender to the Shire is known as being a difficult task, the fellowship always knew that the 4 year struggle and the final battle in the Spring would bring heartache and casualties. Arwen had given away her 'Lifes Grace' to Aragorn, it's power had protected him during the many battles against Sauron and Saruman. The price to be paid was her own protection!! Whilst taking part in a campaign to push back Orc insurgents in the Central Ward of Edoras Arwen was attacked and wounded whilst delivering a despatch from Aragorn and the fellowship to a villagers dwelling. Although removed of her Elve powers, the healing properties of Light were quick to heal her wound. Arwen is eager to return to the fellowships side yet she will now wield her sword will a gauntleted hand!

Thursday, March 15

Chapter 7 - Chronicle of the 15th March

The Elven Cabinet met this week to discuss the long term future of the Shire. After their success in the Battle of the Budget, foundation stones had to be laid. Arwen's gift of being able to read the future is a great asset to the fellowship, her calming, thoughtful nature settles the members of the fellowship before battle. With the Spring Campaign almost upon the Elve Army, Arwen was keen to ensure that the plans for both the future operations of Helms Deep and the Stewardship of the Shire were set in tablets of stone. If the Elves were to fall in the Spring the Orc's would have to spend many years to break the 'spell of light' brought to the Shire by the Elves. This would give the Forces of Light time to regroup and launch a counter attack before the Dark Forces finally destroyed the Shire.

Eowyn, a mighty warrior, has the experience of battles past. Many years experience of campaigning against the dark forces has been passed down the generations within her clan. At the Meeting of the Fellowship Eowyn brought forward her plans to ensure that the Shires settlements would see new grants being offered to villagers to help rebuild their homes after the May Campaign. Monies had also been agreed by the fellowship to support home improvements for villagers with failing health, or suffering from injuries from past battles. Eowyns task of overseeing the infrastructure of the Shires settlements is a daunting task, another area laid waste too by the Witch King during the 12 years of Darkness. Eowyns big heart is strong enough for the task.

Legolas and Gandalf were away when the Fellowship met, their task to spread the word of the Fellowship to neighbouring Kingdoms. A key task of the fellowship has been to ensure that Shire's guardians regained their right to sit at the table of kings (Regional and National bodies) across Middle Earth. Every member of the Forces of Light would have to spend many days in the saddle to earn this right again for the Shire.

Legolas brought forward his plans for the 'Hall of Laughter' located in the settlement of Erec (Lytham) Elven troops had worked hard on the Hall ensuring that it's infrastructure and foundations were sound. Legolas will take charge of the Halls operations, inviting jesters, jugglers and thespians from across Middle Earth to travel to the Shire to entertain the Town folk. The Halls future is now secure. Past Shire Entertainers were the focus of the Chronicle this week with a statue of former Court Jester Les being discussed. The bronze figure a fitting
tribute to a man that brought many years of laughter to middle earth. Although the jester was not a native of the Shire, he spent his final years in Edoras. Eomer and his Captains are looking for an 'appropriate' site for the Bronze.

Eomer was also keen this week to encourage villagers from across the Shire to take up task of representing the Shires Folk. Both the Forces of Light and Darkness are recruiting foot soldiers from Town and Village, to fight under their respective banners at the Spring Campaign. A Decree from the Palace of Westminster, which has stood for centuries, enables both Elve and Orc an automatic right to stand for the opposing Armies. Eomer, as Garrison Commander of the Shire will defend Helms Deep at all costs, during the 12 years of Darkness, when the Orc's commanded the Shire Rohirrim soldiers were forced to serve under the Dark Lords regime. Although confined to Helms Deep, the Deeps troops worked hard to keep a flicker of light burning across the Shire, ready for the Elves return.

Sauron and Saruman's new FIG army suffered it's second defeat this week. The two have spent months plotting their tactics for the Spring offensive, as part of the battle plans they had formed a new FIG Army. The new army is made up of soldiers recruited through the 'Civic Awareness' spell which Sauron cast across the Shire. Villagers whom drank from Sauron's 'fountain of lies' have been spellbound into fighting for the Dark Forces. The Dark Lord had prepared a new banner for his troops to march under in the Spring, Wormtongue had also committed his own troops to the cause, but Saruman had overlooked a vital part in the foundations of his plan! to register the new Dark Forces Army (FIG) with the Eomer and the Palace of Westminster!! With their old banners trodden into the mud of the Dead Marshes Independent and Ratepayer soldiers will now have no Battle Colours to rally under. Is this a sign for Sauron and Saruman? Orc and FIG troops were observed by Eleven spies breaking ranks and spreading talk of desertion. Elven Archers are renowned for finding such chinks in enemy armour during the heat of the battle. Sarumans ability to command his army are yet again in doubt, the Witch King will be ready to take over the Dark Lords command, should he fall.

The Spa in Edoras is still being re-built after the recent Coastal Storms, Frodo was keen to assure towns folk that the Spa would re-open soon, and that taxes would not be raised to fund the repairs. The fellowship had ensured that both the repairs and the loss of income had been protected through the Fellowships insurance.

As the week drew to a close Aragorn and Legolas rode out to Mordor as promised. Their quest, to hand deliver a dispatch from Gandalf to the Towns merchants. Moving through the Orc Garrison was difficult, the Glare of Sauron can be felt and the Witch King is omnipresent! As the wind howled and the rain fell Aragorn and Legolas moved swiftly to avoid detection. Our heroes were nearly discovered by a lone Ringwraith on patrol when skirting the outskirts of the 'Dell', their capture at this stage would have been a serious blow to the fellowship. Ringwraiths were on patrol across the open country of the Shire, Frodo and Samwise also came close to capture on the outskirts of Freckleton:,wmv-100-p.1001663-69318,wmv-300-p.1001664-69318,wmv-28-p.1001662-69318&id=1807537463&f=1807537463&mspid=1807792087&type=c&a=0,15

The parchment called for Merchants to rally to the cause of the Forces of Light. The fellowship listed it's past victories for Mordor and the future vision for the Orc Stronghold, should the Elves succeed in the Spring. Meeting with villagers in a local Inn in Mordor Aragorn was buoyed by the underground support for the Forces of Light, yet many villagers were scared that their feelings could be discovered by the Witch King.

The die has been cast in Mordor, the merchants and villagers should now step from the shadows to take on the Witch King and her band of Ringwraiths. The Elve and Rohirrim Commanders of the Mordor resistance will soon have to rally to their help.

Tuesday, March 6

Chapter 6 - Chronicle of the 8th March

The Map of Middle Earth

As the Coastal storms that swept the Shire rescinded, the smell of a new season was in the air. However the sand that had blown into Edoras (St annes) was causing some villagers distress! The Rhohirrim Cavalry had tried hard to move the deposits (see picture on dunes) but this is a battle that cannot be won overnight. Elves are keen to look at a possible collection points for the sand, but will have to ensure that the Coastal defences of the Shire are not undermined as a result.

The 2000 new sapling additions which had been planted within the Walls of Mordor were strengthening their roots. After the recent Elven success at the Battle of the Budget, Rohirrim soldiers were busy planting another several thousand new trees in the Shire. These will be a welcome addition to the strength of the Fangorn Forest. After this recent battle success the re-building of the Shires enclaves has been given a new boost. Growth and re-generation is now in the air.

The chronicles highlighted the plight being faced by the Elves and Rohan Cavalry in protecting the Shires green spaces and watering holes, the picture of the two wet fish on the cover said it all. Gollum's favourite fare would now be in short supply for some time!

Elve soldiers guarding the Edoras settlement were concerned about the plans for a new Inn in the heart of the market. They met with the Fellowship. Following dialogue the Inn Keepers, the Landlords have withdrawn the sketches. Stabling Issues in Edoras in particular are still receiving much coverage in the chronicles, Shire folk visiting Edoras must be aware of the stable markings before leaving their steeds. Gimil has taken on this challenge and new boundaries will be marked out by Spring.

The Fellowship met to discuss the future of the Dead Marshes and, how the Forces of Light could continue their successful missions into the Countryside surrounding Minus Mogul. The area of Cirith Ungol (Singleton) is guarded by 'Shelob , the Spider of Darkness' the second generation of gate keeper's to Isengard and Minus Mogul. The area once under the protection of Elve Loftus was a vital link for the Forces of Light in the battle against the Dark Forces. Elve Loftus had to leave the Shire half way through his tour of duty and the Dark Forces had used this opportunity to recapture the territory.

The Dead Marshes earned it's name after Shelobs predecessors handed all powers of control for the provision sport and leisure facilities for young lings and Men alike, over to Saruman. Singleton Villagers are now forced to travel to the walled city of Isengard (Elswick) for their leisure provision. With their Independence lost the villagers of the Marshes region will need to assist in the return of the Elves to ensure the re-building of the outposts facilities.

Shelob is a vital link for the Dark Forces. Her stewardship of the Dead Marshes and the guarding of the Eastern path to Mountain Doom secures Sarumans hold on the territory. With her ability to freeze Elve and Man alike with her powerful venom and dark glare Shelob can often be found at the Witch King's right hand.

The Chronicles report of the Elven victory at the Battle for the Budget was well received by villagers across the Shire. The Battle marked a turning point for the Kingdom in that the fellowship proved it was determined to re-build town and village and use the power of positive to push back Sauron and Saruman. The monument in Erec (Lytham) being secured at the Battle now has an Elve detachment in charge of the re-building with Rohirrim soldiers being dispatched to start the works.

The Battle for the Budget also sent out a clear message to those villagers trapped under the spell of the Witch King, that the Elves were already putting in place foundations for the re-building of Mordor after the Spring Campaign. With the Dark forces removed from the enclave then the Elves would be able to make unhindered progress. The power of negativity is strong and many soldiers have been lost in past clashes with the Witch King. History has shown the Fellowship that whilst the Witch King is in Power the Gates of Mordor are impenetrable and Mordor's fate temporarily sealed. The Spring Campaign will be the Elves best opportunity for another four Summers to release the villagers and merchants of Mordor from tyranny.

The Elves will again ride out to Mordor this week to meet with resistance fighters operating from within the ancient fort's walls. Sarumans plans to scrap the Fellowship (Cabinet) of Elves would be a disaster for the Shire, his plan would return the Shire to the state of the 12 year darkness experienced before 2003, Rulers of the surrounding Kingdoms as well as those representing the Palace of Westminster have met with Aragorn to lodge their concerns at the risk to the continued stability of both the Shire and the rest of Middle Earth should the Shire fall to the FIG Army and the Dark Lord in the Spring. Their offer of Arms was welcomed. The FIG/Orc army believed to be 30 strong and massing within Mordor are being watched by the Elven resistance, their battle tactics passed back to Helms Deep.

The march towards the final campaign continues, the 4th April will see the Elves ride out to the far corners of Gondor for the final call to arms, rallying the Forces of Light, they will hope to strike at the very heart of Saurons empire.

Saturday, March 3

Chapter 5 - The Battle of the Budget

Storm clouds had been gathering all week as the Orc and FIG forces marched across the Shire to meet the Eleven defenders. This was to be the first major battle on the build up to the Spring campaign, the battle field was to be the site of the Shires Sporting Pantheon.

Aragorn and Frodo had spent many hours preparing for the battle and Eleven and Rohirrim forces now stood shoulder to shoulder awaiting the first wave of attack from the Forces of Darkness. After weeks of planning the Fellowship had set in motion plans that would see the Taxes raised from the Shires people being used to strengthen vital positions across the Kingdom. Additional facilities for young lings, the return of Trees to Fangorn, re-building of the Shires Monuments and the protection of the Shires Coastal defences would all play a crucial role in the securing harmony within the Kingdom . Both Saruman and Sauron knew that the re-building of any part of the Shire would undermine them and in particular the Dark Lords plan's for total occupation of the Shire. This would be a battle that Saruman and his followers would have to win! As the Orc's approached the Battlefield Aragorn addressed his Army, urging them to stand firm, be strong in the face of fear and trust in the Forces of Light. There was not one soldier amongst them, that didn't accept that the Battle for both the Shire and Middle Earth itself was about to begin!

The first Orc attack was launched at 10 minutes past 7, as the first shadows of darkness fell over the Shire, Sauron gave the order. The Eleven Army watched as Saruman rose in front of his Gobblin Army to launch his first wave of attack, with the witch King at his Right Hand and Sauron over looking the battle field from his Dark Tower, Saruman pushed his forces forward. Wielding his mace the first wave of his Orc army, led by the Orc Commander clashed with the Forces of Light on the battlefield. The Elven line held firm and repelled Sarumans first attack. Legolas, Gandalf, Theoden and Frodo led from the front again and again as three further pincer movements were resisted and finally quashed .

These skirmishes led by the Witch King and then the Orc Commander were prolonged and vicious. The Cenotaph in Erech (Lytham) took a direct hit, but the Elve detachment guarding the Shires southern Coastal Strip fought off their attackers and held the Monument. The Orc's suffered many losses and FIG soldiers now under Sarumans command faltered, Wormtongue had deserted the Battle Field and left his loyal troops to perish.

The Dark Forces were weary and sensing defeat started to withdraw, Aragorn rallied both Elves and Rhohirrim Cavalry against the 5th and Final thrust from the Dark Forces. Two hours of bloody fighting had passed, the Orc and FIG armies were driven back from Gondor to the foot of the Morgai Mountains.

Aragorn and Eomer although bloodied and exhausted led their troops back to Helms Deep knowing that an important battle had been won this day.


Followers of the adventure can view the battle scenes here: