scene 1. Gimil has done well this day, his bold decision to allow self propelled vehicles safe passage along our shores has had the villagers of the Shire on the streets rejoicing. Six whole years the vortex of common sense consumed the Council, then led by the Orc Army. The dizzying complexity of this decision far beyond the capacity of the Dark Forces. Sauron at this time was still plotting his revenge after the last battle with Frodo at Mountain Doom, his advice to 'call-in' the decree made by Gimil has shown that his powers of judgement are still weak.
Theoden travelled in recent days to the Palace of Preston to negotiate with it's tribal Leaders for the continuance of the Shire Visitor safe haven in the village of Lytham. A noble cause. Prior to May 2003, the Orc Army had blocked all trade and dialogue from the Palace within the City. After the Elves successful campaign in the spring of 2003 their Leader Aragon called a truce with the Shires neighbouring tribes and ever since a strong allegiance has seen many trading benefits. Negotiations were constructive with both Councils re-enforcing their 2003 treaty and using their Council of Elders to find a solution to long term harmony.
During this time both Aragon and Gollum were at work within the Shire. Both with different agendas! Aragon assessing the damage to the Shire ,after the dreadful storms which had rolled in from the South of the Kingdom. He had met with Treebeard to give a timescale as to when the Forrest would return to the Shire, many trees had been lost at the hands of the Orc Army in Isengard and now the Elves commitment had seen 2000 more trees planted, with many more thousands promised. Helms Deep had suffered badly during the storms. The Elves are keen to rebuild the fortress after 12 years of Orc occupation, which had seen this mighty building diminish in grandeur. The Elves have done well, to quickly rebuild and the damaged structure and reinforce its battlements.
The taxes increased year on year by Saruman were squandered. Now this valuable but limited gold needs to be spent wisely on improving the whole of the Shire, Aragon is determined to restore the Jewel of the North. Villagers of the Shire have nothing to fear from excessive taxes being brought to bear under the elves, as the Council of Elders new allegiances with neighbouring tribes will see many benefits.
Gollum had again been using the cover of the shadows to spread his spite and ill will. His total belief in his cause and his innocent appearance can cloud villagers judgement and draw them towards the dark side. His recent attack on the Elves progress was both cunning as it was vengeful. The Elves 10 pledges are all but in place, but it has been a long road to delivery.
Gollum supplying Sauron with insider information has been successful in slowing the Elves progress and creating pockets of resistance from within the Shire. The minds of the weak are easy pickings for Sauron and Saruman. Their ability to cloud reasonable judgement, even in the face of overwhelming positive facts is disturbing to the Elves. Aragon knows that it is wise to keep such enemies close where they can be watched, however each night he rests with his trusty blade close at hand.
Frodo has been working for many months towards restoring the green Memorial Gardens enclave on the outskirts of Mordor Castle. The Witch King has fought hard to confuse villagers, made prisoner within the castle walls that Elves are bad and that the Orc's are their friends. Frodo has found over 200,000 Gold pieces for the green sanctuary, with another 130,000 Gold pieces being pledged this spring for the Village. The Ringwraith Elders within Mordor refuse all approaches from the Elves and have been symptomatic in the Villages decline. Mordors green space could be improved overnight if the Ringwraiths were to agree to end the 30 year war and take back ownership of Mordors green lands.
The Spring campaign will see much fighting around Mordor, for the villagers an Elve defeat would mean 4 more years of decline and dismay.
Gandalf has been working hard to ensure that the market traders in Mordor can still make bread although the Ringwraiths are working against his positive input. A Council of merchants is vital to help strengthen the Villages trade. Gandalf works regularly with merchant Councils across the Shire. Mordor is the only village without. Again much gold has been sent to Mordor in recent times after 12 years of Wraith decline. 75,000 gold pieces of new shop frontages, 30,000 gold pieces on a village survey and a pledge to retain free stabling for travellers visiting the Mill Street watering hole.
Again a week of small skirmishes for our noble knights, with the storm clouds once again rolling back from helms Deep, what adventurers and tales will the next entry into the Chronicles of the Shire bring?