Saruman the White Wizard of Elswick came out of his self imposed exile this week. His week of spell casting started with the dispatch of the Ringwraiths to the corners of the Shire, their task, to spread tales of excessive Tax rises and messages of doom, in a bid to muster support for an uprising. He warned that the small enclaves of the Shire should expect their treasure chests to be plundered, by the Elve Council Leaders when the Cabinet met within Helms Deep. How very very wrong he was!! Far from plundering the hard earned gold pieces from the Shires people the Elves kept taxes low and brought in new decrees that will see many improvements to the villages of the Shire. The Council of Elves were also keen to see the encampments of St annes, Lytham and even Mordor handed responsibility for lands within their jurisdiction, for the benefits of villagers living in their protectorates. Eomer and his lieutenants had done well in assisting the Forces of Light in the quest for equality.
A decree was made by the Council of Elves that the Monuments erected to honour our fallen heroes should be improved at all costs. The Monuments and their surroundings located in Lytham, St annes & Mordor will be restored to their former glory. Facilities for young lings of the realm were also granted additional funds to ensure that our future generations grow tall, straight and strong. The protection of the Coastal defences and Sands of St annes also featured highly in the Elve Councils priorities. The return of the trees to the Shire, as promised by Aragon to Treebeard were also given the Elves blessing.
The Dark Lords powers of Orc control have stood strong for almost four whole years, but Saruman is now showing signs of failing judgement and desperation as the Elves strategies and recent fortunes in isolated battles have pushed himself and the Orc army further back towards the boundary of the Shire. Before the Orc Army sized control of Mordor the Elves and Villagers would meet in a small clearing known as the Silver Dell. The Dell was a place of tranquility and reflection, the wood offered shelter from the elements, the crystal clear waters of the pond could then be used to bathe and refresh tired travellers. This was a place where bonds were strengthened and the villagers met to sing, dance, eat and reflect. Many local issues were discussed in the clearing. Sadly no more. since the invasion of the Orc Army the Dell has become centre of their operations in Mordor. The Dell transformed by Saruman and the Ringwraiths influence has become a cold and un-inviting corner of Mordor and an unwelcoming shelter for Elves.
The key tactic of the Forces of Darkness is to be constantly negative. The power of negativity has been used ruthlessly by the Witch King in Mordor. The constant bombarding of the Village by these negative waves has driven many villagers into a dark melancholy. The weapon has been successful in keeping villagers under the King's spell and in driving away anything positive. Arogan, Legolas and Theoden have spearheaded three campaigns into the Heart of Mordor since the Summer. Their hope, that the positive messages put through villagers doors will help lift the veil of Darkness which has overwhelmed them and realise that the rest of the Shire is basking in the Light.
Gandalf has pledged to ride out to Mordor with a select troop of Rohan soldiers to again bring light to those Rohirrim villagers still struggling on behalf of the Forces of Light within the Orc Garrison. It is the strong belief of the members of the Fellowship that our quest for strong trade and regular positive improvements for Mordor will help unsettle the Dark Forces vice like grip.
Aragon this week met with the Council Leaders from across the Kingdom to discuss both the increase of trade across Middle Earth and a more protection from them on the Shires Eastern flanks. Aragon and Legolas also sought to counter Gollums tales of woe that the Shires spa's were under threat. The healing qualities of these pure waters are vital link in the well being of Villagers and a vital part of our fledglings training towards becoming strong warriors. Legolas detailed a Brigade of soldiers from Rohan to the task of repairing the damage caused to the St annes and Mordor Spa's during the Southern Storms.
Gimil has been in action action again this week, working with a crack section from the Elve army he successfully defended an attack on the the Coastal strip of the Shire. An squad of ten Orc soldiers attempted to block the passageway for villagers travelling on the link between the two Coastal villages. The skirmish lasted over an hour, but Gimil and his loyal soldiers drove the Orc's back, with their tails between their legs they fled back to Mordor. But they will be back.
As another Chapter draws to a close our brave Fellowship have again fought hard for the Shire and now meet to plan future strategies. With wormtongue and the Orc Commander set to enter our next chapter the bond between the members of the Fellowship will be crucial. As darkness falls I feel that villagers can sleep sound in their beds knowing that the joint forces of the Elves and Soldiers of Rohan are watching over us all.