The loyal Elve Commanders of Fylde met today to discuss the next campaign and future anti ambush strategies. Casualties have been light as now the Elves have become familiar with the way's of the Dark Forces and their pattern of mid week attacks. The attacks are at the fiercest when the moon is full or when the local weekly chronicles are written.
The Elves Captains know that all their tactics are exposed with the Evil Sauron now ruling over the Dark Forces of Fylde. Sauron once a Brave Defender of Fylde and Elve Lieutenant, was drawn to the dark side and now plots his revenge against the Shire with the White Wizard of Elswick, Saruman. Using his deadly weapon known as the Counterbalance, the beam of his mind altering weapon has been focused on the ramparts of Helms Deep for many months. The Orc Army has used the weapon to try and break down the Fellowship but the walls of the Elve enclave are strong and the Elves powers of mind impregnable against his powers. The Forces of Darkness are now in panic, knowing that the Elves are know using their own weapon against them!
Fellow followers should be aware of the side affects of the Counterbalance: Heavy eyelids, dizziness and confusion.
With their 26 strong Orc Army, led by the Witch King from Kirkham the Dark Forces are massing somewhere in the darkest enclaves of the Rural Shire, feverishly planning their Spring attack. The Witch King gave orders to the Orc Army Commander to send out a spy, Gollum, to try and be-friend the Elves Commanders but his schizophrenic personality lets Gollum down and his trail of deceit is mysteriously recorded for eternity, in print in the mystical Chronicles of Fylde.
The scene is now set, the reader is familiar with the our heroes and villains and the lands that our heroes wish to defend and the villains to conquer. Each week we shall read the script from the weekly chronicles, with the 'Webmaster' unravelling the tales and legends recorded within. The webmasters quest to take you the fellow adventurer into a story of Hope, Fear, Betrayal and Honour. So follow me as we journey through the chapters of this epic struggle and marvel in the fortunes and battles from within 'the field' Shire.