The 'Precious' is the ultimate goal. Manuscripts written by the Elves lay out the future for the Fylde, when finally the Dark Forces be defeated and driven from the Shire. These enchanted records are a record of the Elves commitment to the Shire. No such documents existed prior to the war 0f Summer 2003.
Gollum had been unusually quiet for a number of weeks? Elven spies had discovered why!

An elven spie had captured Gollum out canvassing for support in Edoras, his attempt to be seen as trustworthy and well groomed had somehow been lost somewhere?

Saruman had also been hatching his strategy for the May campaign. Saruman had ordered the Witch King to send a counter dispatch to the Chronicle to try and undermine a pledge made by the Elves. The Eleven pledge was to review stabling of villagers chargers across the Shire. A sensible policy that would not lead to unnecessary financial burden on villagers or merchants. Gimil had already carried out his pledge to reform the stabling in Edoras (St annes) The market centre now had clear boundaries in the stables so residents were under no doubt as to where to leave their steeds.
The Witch King in a blind panic when learning of the pledge decreed 'free stabling for all' across the Shire, without mentioning to villagers that Ringwraiths would soon be swooping of the Shire for much more tax as a result! A meeting of the fellowship was convened to discuss the damage this Dark Forces Pledge would reap on the Shire - the estimated cost to villagers, 500,000 gold pieces every year! Orc's would raise taxes by 10%, 60 gold pieces per dwelling across the Shire. The Elves will fight to the last soldier in the May battle, as the destruction of Helms Deep and the Shire was already obvious if Orc's were to succeed!
The Chronicle reported the departure from the Shire of an Old Friend of the Elves Bilbo Baggins (Cllr Eric Bamber), Bilbo had been a loyal defender of Helms Deep for 34 years. His many battles with Sauron and Saruman over the ages had been well documented and will go down in Eleven history. This distinguished Hobbit has been recognised as a Alderman of the Shire and his tales of his adventures will be missed. The Forces of Light wish him a safe passage in his future adventures.
Spring has now turned to Summer in the Shire, the Rhohrrim troops and Elves had spent many days clearing the Coastal Strip of Sand. Now the battle had to be 100% focused on the March to the final Battle. Just 72 hours remain until the sounding of the 'call to arms' horn within Helms Deep. Elves, Humans, Orcs and Ringwraiths had travelled from the far corners of the Shire to Helms Deep, this week to take advantage of the short amnesty called by Eomer.
The amnesty hosted every four years at Helms Deep is called the ceremony of 'Nailing Colours to the Mast' The tradition has been unchanged for 33 years, Orc's wear two main colours under their armour: Red or Gold, some, the Elves Believe, are attracted to the colour Blue. An Orc would soon be slain by Saruman or the Witch King if they were to be discovered looking towards the Light.
The ceremony ends at noon on Wednesday. Villagers will then know whether their villages will be under siege by the Orcs or the protection of the Elves. Elven warriors have been arriving in the Shire from all over Middle Earth, many parchments have been left for villagers in recent days, asking for them to join the Elves en-mass on the 3rd May. Those willing to fight will receive their battle orders and a list of Rallying points from Eomer in just 3 weeks.
As the week drew to a close a massive negative wave, emanating from Mordor was sent out across the Shire. The message written by the witch king, yet delivered by her head Ringwraith, the commander of the Dell Garrison in Mordor was devastatingly gloomy. The negative Wave was translated by an Oracle in the neighbouring Kingdom of Blackpool. The Wraith tongue is hard to decipher, as those whom read too much can fall under the dark spell of the Witch King. The message read that the Elves were planning some sort of attack on the Spa within Mordor?
The Witch King, although devious is also predictable. Her simple plan is to always report the opposite of the truth to the villagers of Mordor, negativity is a very powerful weapon! Elves had rebuilt the Spa when they were last stationed in the ancient town. During the 12 years of Darkness the Witch King and Saruman had decreed that no gold was to be spent on rebuilding in the Shire. As a result the Spa, along with so many facilities in the Shire had fallen into disrepair. Legolas had been forced last summer to close the spa as bolts of lightening were seen emanating from the walls of the ancient bathing site, the threat of harm to villagers was deemed great! Frodo and Legolas dispatched a crack unit from the forces of light to the Spa, their task to push back the Orcs, remove the danger and return calm to the waters of Mordor. This was done.The Elves recognise the healing benefits of the Spa and the need for villagers to use the waters to build strength and train young lings. Villagers must be warned that a return to the years of darkness could see the Spa doomed by the change of the next season.
Four brave Elves will be dispatched to Mordor by Aragorn at the close of the 'colours to mast' ceremony. Their task to rally the villagers of Mordor by helping to dilute some of the Witch Kings powers, this dangerous quest should enable those villagers strong in will to build up enough resistance to help topple the Ring Wraiths and their grip on Mordor on the 3rd of May. The villagers must get to the gates of Mordor by the 3rd, if they are able to link up with the Forces of Light, then Mordor will fall.