On the other side of the Shire in Mordor , the Witch King had discovered the door to the Elves Portal. Her eyes flashed with rage and in an instant orders were sent to the Orc Commander to launch a strong attack. Elve positions experienced a steady stream of sling shot and of armour tipped arrows from the Orc army. The attack was aimed towards the positions held by both Aragorn and Legolas. Fortune had smiled on them as at the time of the attack they were far from the outskirts of Mordor. False intelligence handed to the Forces of Darkness regarding the identity of the webmaster has Saruman and the Witch King committing their troops to the wrong part of the Shire. A silver tipped arrow fired into the Castle grounds of Mordor gave a cryptic clue to the witch King of the webmasters identity, the message "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" was all it read.
Gollum, was in need of rest after his many hours of sneaking around the Shire, sticking his nose into portals where it was not wanted. His Second in Command (as there isn't a third!)was detailed to continue the duo's sole task for the Dark Forces, to continue adding slurry to the drinking waters of the Shire. Villagers should take heed as they will do, or say anything to get their hands on "the precious"
Gandalf and officers from the Rohirrim Cavalry again rode out to Mordor in the hope of yet bringing light to the plight of the Villagers. The Witch King astride her Fell Beast swooped over the Mordor assisted by her Ringwraith colleagues. Using the powers of negativity, they are able to suppress a villagers ability to reason, clouding their view of the facts. A written despatch from Gandalf was handed to those not yet under the Witch King's spell, calling villagers to a Council with the Wise Wizard at the next full moon.
Saruman has used the threat of Elven taxation to try and rally the support of men in Isengard, In desperation at the impending attack from the Ents within the Fangorn Forrest. Saruman tried momentarily to soften his exterior, but this form change drains much of the Dark Lords powers and cannot be sustained for long. In the past the fellowship, supported by the Elves, have attempted to help turn Saruman back towards the Forces of Light, but in vein. The Dark Lords loyalty to Sauron is strong and the loss of the "precious" has driven them to seek the return of it's powers at all costs.
Frodo has been busy in Helms Deep, working with Aragorn on a long term plan to rebuild the Shire, the battle plans for the clash on the 1st day of March must consider the Dark Forces tactics, based on past battles. Eomer and his Captains will again fight alongside the Elves. They are well drilled and ready.

Frodo, Sam and Pippin were kidnapped by a Uruk-hai (Orc raiding party) 4 years ago. Their treatment by the Orcs whilst being forced to stand with them was severe. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimil rescued them from the Orc's before they were delivered to Isengard and Saruman. Sam and Pippin have acted as the eyes and ears of the Shires Eastern Flanks ever since. They are strong members of the fellowship. Sam has been selected to represent the Shire and the other Kingdoms of the Country on the Regional Council, he will help oversee the rebuilding of Middle Earths settlements after the Spring Campaign. Sam has already proved his bravery and ability in past struggles against the Witch King. Now he is keen to take on the task of the Shires Ambassador. Pippin remains in the East of the Shire working with the Ents in the Fangorn Forrest and with renewed vigour, awaits the next encounter with Saruman and the Witch King. As Aragorn plans the Spring offensive he knows that these Hobbits will play yet another critical role in the driving back of the Dark Forces.
Whilst the Fellowship and the Elven Council were hard at work rebuilding the Shire and the foundations of Helms deep, the turncoat Wormtongue was at work himself. Turning his back on the Rohirrim people he rode out to Isengard and swore his allegiance to Saruman. In doing so he placed his forces at the Dark Lords disposal. This act of aggression aimed at the Elves, from within Edoras itself, shows that Theoden and Aragorn were right not to trust Wormtongue and his words. The new Goblin army, known as the FIG (Fylde Independent Group) will now march on the gates of Helms Deep at the shoulder of the Orc Army.
The Gaze of Sauron has again focused on the battlements of Helms Deep. The fellowship must be ever vigilent against his powers! The Dark Forces powers should never be underestimated. Adventurers should click now to experience a recent encounter with the Dark Forces at a Cabinet meeting!
The Dark Forces plan, to destroy the fortress and make Mordor the centre of the Shire. The combined forces of Orc and FIG has declared it's commitment to destroy the fellowship and Elven Army and to return the Shire to the 30 year darkness which shrouded the Shire until lifted by the Elven victory of 2003.
In the distance the beat of the battle drums grow louder.
footnote: I must acknowledge the many new followers of the Cause, whom have contacted me via the portal. At the same time apologise to both Aragorn and Legolas. In intercepted despatches from the Orc Commander it seems I may have inadvertently put them both in harms way! Legolas in command of the Wesham protectorate fights in the shadow of Mordor every day, since the recent acknowledgement of the portal in the Chronicle the Orc Commander has sent many batteries of poison arrows into his encampment. Aragorn has also had to dodge many slings and arrows and defend against Orc spies eager to find the gates of the portal.
Sauron and I travelled very similar paths long ago, although in different Shires. His destiny led him to attack the very thing he worked so hard for, my destiny, now as a villager of the Shire is to try and defend it.