Today marked the start of the March to the final battle,the call to arms for the Eleven and Orc Armies had now been closed. The battle for Helms Deep and the Precious has now 'officially' started. The forces of light are the single largest force, with recruits coming from far and wide to support the Elven call to arms.
The Elves are forty strong. After a long battle Theoden has been successful in driving back the dark forces from the staining and weeton settlement once and for all. He now rides with his army to support the Elves about to deploy from Helms Deep.
Saruman was thought to have been driven from Isengard, yet he has escaped detection and has now returned unchallenged! Isengard (Elswick) will remain under the Dark Lords negative and damaging powers for another four summers. Shelob had benefited from a similar oversight, skulking in the Dead Marshes Shelob has kept 'out of sight, out of mind' and again will remain on guard in the foothills (Singleton) of Isengard for another 4 summers. Travellers entering the Marshes or the boundaries of Isengard must remain ever vigilant or fall prey to the Dark Lord or his arachnid servant. Saruman, with the Witch King at his side, could be seen viewing his troops. Could the smell of doubt be detected now that the impending final battle was close at hand? What was their destiny?
Across the Shire the fellowship had been alerted to the numbers of Orcs marching on their positions, the completion of Elven defences of Helms Deep were completed. Elves have been hard at work for months, busily delivering dispatches, talking with freedom fighters in Orc territories and planning their battle strategies. The Forces of Light, led by the Fellowship are ready for the 3rd.
Gollum had mustered 16 soldiers to help support Sarumans 23 Orcs in the Summer battle, Wormtongue, had been removed as the commander of the Ratepayer division of Orcs during the winter, this leader less army has marched to Isengard and 7 soldiers have now pledged to join Saruman and his FIG army. Finally 10 Blairite Insurgents have been seen riding towards Mordor, displaying their red battle colours. Elven spies have reported to Aragorn that they are to join with the Witch Kings Divisions, mustering in the dead marshes outside the garrison. The foul plot which could see the fall of man across Middle Earth, hatched, between Saruman and Wormtongue had begun:,rnv-100-p.1244128-121025,wmv-56-p.1244130-121025,rnv-300-p.1244129-121025,wmv-100-p.1244131-121025,wmv-300-p.1244132-121025,wmv-28-p.1244130-121025&id=1804738128&f=1804738128&mspid=1808526657&type=m&a=0,15
The final numbers are, Forces of Light, 40 soldiers, the collective divisions of the Forces of Darkness, 56. The Elves have had many years fighting against such odds and in the Spring of 2003 defeated similar numbers with just 32 soldiers. The die is cast the armies now march to meet each other on the 3rd.
Aragorn has prepared the Elves for the fight and today, with Eowyn at his side they rode out into the Shire to meet Sarumans army.,rnv-56-p.1248817-122506,rnv-100-p.1248818-122506,rnv-300-p.1248819-122506,wmv-56-p.1248820-122506,wmv-100-p.1248821-122506,wmv-28-p.1248820-122506&id=1804738130&f=1804738130&mspid=1808531491&type=c&a=0,15
The final chapters of the Elves diary are now waiting to be written.