The great barrier being proposed in the neighbouring Kingdom of Rhun (Preston) has villagers worried this week, the great river Anduin starts high in the foothills of Rhun with the waters running from the mighty Iron Hills in the East. The waters are a vital key to life for man and beast across middle Earth. Snaking it's way through the four main Kingdoms of Middle Earth Rhun (Preston) Rhovanion (Wyre), Lindon (Blackpool) and finally ending its journey at the sea in Gondor (Fylde) The mouth of the mighty River opens up into the Celtic Sea. Elrond the Elven Lord from Westminster is keen to protect all aspects of the Shire, the the mighty river is the life blood of the Elf haven of Rivendell. Sauron was also recorded in the Chronicles, a rare event when the Dark Lord puts his own name to a statement!! However in his Dark way he managed to spread worry by claiming that Rhun would stop the waters flowing into the three Kingdoms and would also build a trading link across the Anduin to the South Port, the throw away remark designed to panic villagers in Erec and Edoras. Aragorn had sent a rider to the King of Rhun (Cllr John Collins) to request an audience.
The Elven river of gold has failed due to the lack of rainfall in Edoras, Elf Wilson had spent many weeks preparing the Capital for the annual celebration of blooms yet the gods have not sent the annual April showers! the drought could also affect the green fields in Erec, the Elves will have to be wary that Orc's do not try and use the Chronicles to blame the Shires stewards for the browning of the Green this year.
An army of Metal steeds arrived in the Capital of Gondor this week. The 6000 strong army arrived from all over middle earth to the new annual festival of Ridesafe. The motorised hordes of the race known as 'Bikers' are regular visitors to Gondor and Edoras and bring with them vital trade and currency for the Kingdoms traders. Aragorn himself a master of the metal steed may well call on this nomadic race on the 3rd?
As opposing forces marched across middle earth Saruman had been hiding in the Shadows, whilst Sauron had again fired up the Counterbalance to keep Orc soldiers supplied with a weapon known as negative spin. The negative spin is used to great effect by Orc's in luring unsuspecting villagers into the darkness. The Witch King had also used the weapon against Legolas and Elf Proctor, detachment commander in Mordor South sector. The Witch King had tried to undermine the Commander by spreading untruths about the Officers Elven credentials and his claim to be from the Shire, the witch is suspected to be behind a dispatch sent to Elven

The detachments in the Mordor have fought hard all week, pushing back Orc forces and freeing Villagers from their negative spells. The Portal opened by the Elve detachment in Mordor is sending out a beacon Light for villagers to follow to the rallying points. The numbers of new recruits to the Light are swelling and many villagers are now preparing for the final push on the third.

The Diary is now legendary the quest draws to a close, the future of the Shire is in villagers hands: