http://www.counterbalance.org.uk/latest/declare.htm (Ensure you are in a positive mood before entering!)
Saurons mind powers are continuing to fail. This new force had already fallen into disarray! the new Division named the FIG, made up of Ratepayer and Independent Councillors was seen by Sauron as a new dark Pollit Bureau for Fylde. Recruits to the FIG cause had panicked when the final muster and roll call was called, many deserted for the hills, others seen scurrying back to their old camps, leaderless! Saurons scrapping of the fellowship would see a return the days when Saruman, the Witch King and Wormtongue ruled over the Shire, silently making decisions and plotting the destruction of Helms Deep, Sauron even acknowledges in his dispatch that his former Dark Army got it very wrong . The scale of their treachery only discovered by the Elves after the 2003 war. Sauron was a former Rhohirrim Lieutenant. Stationed in the Helms Deep Garrison, he started to practice in the Dark Forces, eventually recruiting Saruman and the Witch King to his cause. Once it was becoming apparent that the Elves were about to retake the precious, Saruman and the Witch King moved Sauron to the safety of Mountain Doom.
A golden handshake

Aragorn, had ensured that every member of the Forces of Light were drilled in fighting the dark lords powers, their armour and weapons forged in the heat of the furnaces of Helms Deep, during the four year re-building of the Shire. All ranks have the future of the Shire in their hearts.
The Chronicles have been bombarded this week with Orc's! Although not surprising the Final Call to arms has flushed out Sauron's closest allies. Some have been operating in the privy Council of Edoras! now exposed these Orc soldiers have now shown their true colours. Followers of the adventure should take note that many Orc's will now use the chronicles to try and indoctrinate residents of the Shire to their cause.
The Urik-hai (Orc) raiding parties have also been dispatched across the Shire in search of the webmaster. The chronicles acknowledged the 6000 strong followers of the adventure.

On the Coast Gimils successful mission at the battle of the Coastal Strip is now seeing the vital trading route being returned to full access for all. Villagers were out in force promoting the trail to all. The Fellowship (Cabinet) system has shown that long standing 'taboos' can be resolved sensibly and quickly for the benefit of villagers. For over a decade Orc's failed to agree on anything! the parochial nature of Orc's mean that they are unable to work together and will turn on each other if they feel that their territory is under threat, even if it is for a greater cause. The Orc's single agreed goal is to scrap the fellowship and return the Shire to the disarray of the decade of decline.
Gollums forces had been focused by Saruman on defeating the Hobbits, Frodo, Pippin and Sam had learned a valuable lesson is dealing with Gollum during past encounters. Now in the Rural villages of the Shire Gollums crack sneaks have a taste for the precious, spurred on by Gollum, they will now do his bidding. The combined Forces of Light have a permanent watch on Gollum and his troops, they cannot be trusted!
To be continued..........................................................