As the opposing forces marched ever closer to the final battlefield the skirmishes in the towns and Villages across the Shire have increased. Elves have been out on the streets across the Shire warning villagers to be aware of Orc incursions. The Witch King and her fellow
Ringwraiths have been unmasked by Sauron in an attempt to give a human appearance to the witches coven. Sauron's Counterbalance had been working overtime and in his desperation to counter the Elves Portal, Sauron has financed another FIG mind weapon targeted towards Mordor. The Elves see this as a final attempt to build support for the Dark Forces.

Villagers must be aware of the cyber opening at The Ringwraiths listed have some Lieutenants missing?? but the main characters from the Elves Site are there! This portal again proves Saurons influence on the Orc's and more importantly reinforces the Elves 4 year campaign to show villagers that the FIG are still operating within the Shire and are a united force or GROUP. The site has been enlightening for the Elves as Saruman warned of the massed ranks of FIG's marching across the Shire on the 3rd. It appears that just the Witch King and her loyal wraiths remain??
Aragorns own portal has in recent weeks attempted to counter the content of the FIG site in an attempt to open the minds of villagers in Mordor.
The FIG site spun by Shelob using the words of Sauron, is full of inaccuracies and is deliberate in its attempt to sound Elvish, beware! After many hours of reading the various texts available and researching the truth I hope to unravel the facts for all followers of this adventure: Saurons commandments expose the depth of the Orcs hate for Elves and the Fellowship and their sole commitment to retaking the precious.
The first statement shows the pact amongst Orcs "We share a Vision" This commandment makes the reader believe that those members of the Council outside of the fellowship have no say? This I have reported on many times, highlighting the fact that 100% of all decisions taken by Aragorn and the other 7 members of the fellowship have been recommended and accepted by the Elves and Orcs prior to a final decree being made. The fellowship only enacts the Councils wishes. The fellowship only make urgent command decisions, for example Gimils decision to allow the riding of steeds on the Coastal bridle path.
"We are not a political party" those that have followed the Elves diary will know that to be false. Perhaps they are not committed enough to pin their colours to the mast, but this statement means that they will put their own sectors (Wards) in front of a collective benefit to the Shire. The decade of decline in the Shire came as a result of Orc commanders failing to make a decision on anything. Consensus is a much lamented myth and villagers will agree that to get a collection of 51 individuals to agree a way forward is impossible. Hence the decade of decline.
"We do not hold caucus meetings" is another pledge in the Orc tablets of deceit. The Battle of the Budget was well reported. Saruman and the Witch King held court with many Orc's prior to the Battle to discuss their tactics. The Orc's met until recently, each month, the shadowy meetings only being halted by Saruman after descent in the ranks and the escape of the Hobbits back to elven lines. This episode caused much discontentment within the Orc ranks with rumours that the Orc Commander was plotting to overthrow Saruman.
"We are totally opposed to the cabinet system at Fylde" Again a pledge of convenience by Saruman. Both Saruman and the Witch King were in full support of the fellowship (Cabinet) system when they accepted a seat within the court of Helms Deep offered by Aragorn. For a year they moved freely around the Deep receiving the bounty of 3500 gold pieces. Twas only through Aragorns suspicions being proven, that the two were passing vital Elven intelligence to the Orc's and Chronicles, which led to their debarring from the Court. It was this expulsion that fuelled their dislike of the fellowship and led to the pact to bring it down.
"We will change the way Scrutiny Operates" I have already mentioned the fact that ALL policy decisions already go through the various scrutiny committees for development and approval prior to going the Fellowship. The Shire has been recognised across Middle Earth by many other tribal leaders as having an open and inclusive way of operating it's legislature. Elves have been detailed to travel to many Kingdoms spreading good practice and sharing the art of re-building crumbling Kingdoms. This the Elves have mastered. This tablet again misleads villagers into thinking that the ancient law of majority rule can be overturned! At the battle of the 3rd there will be a victor. If the Orc's were to recapture the Shire the Dark Forces would have superior numbers on every committee. This is the ancient law of Political Balance. A pledge to scrap the Balance is undeliverable as this law comes from a much greater power than that possessed by Sauron and all his forces combined. (Unless he is thinking of standing as an MP and then becoming Prime Minister Sauron?!) Even if the Orcs were to return dismantle the fellowship and return to the ancient "talking shop" way of governance then, there would still have to be Political Balance and by default one Army with a majority.
For many days the Elves and Hobbits have spent many hours with Village elders explaining the failings of the Orc Policies. Those exposed to the dark Forces mind tricks have been cured by the Elves home visits, none have suffered long term mind damage. (Oh, sorry, I believe there was a chap in Edoras that couldn't be cured?)
With just 12 days left until the final clash the webmaster will keep a constant vigil on events to ensure that the Villagers of the Shire are protected from Saurons mind spells. The Elves are also out in force in pursuit of Gollum and his sneaks, there are rumours of sightings across the Shire yet to date Rhohirrim Cavalry have been unable to locate the treacherous band, even my constant trawl through the local chronicles have failed to discover Gollums whereabouts.
As the Elves now start to move into Mordor the closing chapters of the Elves Diary are sure to record events as they unfold.
Aragorns own portal has in recent weeks attempted to counter the content of the FIG site in an attempt to open the minds of villagers in Mordor.
The FIG site spun by Shelob using the words of Sauron, is full of inaccuracies and is deliberate in its attempt to sound Elvish, beware! After many hours of reading the various texts available and researching the truth I hope to unravel the facts for all followers of this adventure: Saurons commandments expose the depth of the Orcs hate for Elves and the Fellowship and their sole commitment to retaking the precious.
The first statement shows the pact amongst Orcs "We share a Vision" This commandment makes the reader believe that those members of the Council outside of the fellowship have no say? This I have reported on many times, highlighting the fact that 100% of all decisions taken by Aragorn and the other 7 members of the fellowship have been recommended and accepted by the Elves and Orcs prior to a final decree being made. The fellowship only enacts the Councils wishes. The fellowship only make urgent command decisions, for example Gimils decision to allow the riding of steeds on the Coastal bridle path.
"We are not a political party" those that have followed the Elves diary will know that to be false. Perhaps they are not committed enough to pin their colours to the mast, but this statement means that they will put their own sectors (Wards) in front of a collective benefit to the Shire. The decade of decline in the Shire came as a result of Orc commanders failing to make a decision on anything. Consensus is a much lamented myth and villagers will agree that to get a collection of 51 individuals to agree a way forward is impossible. Hence the decade of decline.
"We do not hold caucus meetings" is another pledge in the Orc tablets of deceit. The Battle of the Budget was well reported. Saruman and the Witch King held court with many Orc's prior to the Battle to discuss their tactics. The Orc's met until recently, each month, the shadowy meetings only being halted by Saruman after descent in the ranks and the escape of the Hobbits back to elven lines. This episode caused much discontentment within the Orc ranks with rumours that the Orc Commander was plotting to overthrow Saruman.
"We are totally opposed to the cabinet system at Fylde" Again a pledge of convenience by Saruman. Both Saruman and the Witch King were in full support of the fellowship (Cabinet) system when they accepted a seat within the court of Helms Deep offered by Aragorn. For a year they moved freely around the Deep receiving the bounty of 3500 gold pieces. Twas only through Aragorns suspicions being proven, that the two were passing vital Elven intelligence to the Orc's and Chronicles, which led to their debarring from the Court. It was this expulsion that fuelled their dislike of the fellowship and led to the pact to bring it down.
"We will change the way Scrutiny Operates" I have already mentioned the fact that ALL policy decisions already go through the various scrutiny committees for development and approval prior to going the Fellowship. The Shire has been recognised across Middle Earth by many other tribal leaders as having an open and inclusive way of operating it's legislature. Elves have been detailed to travel to many Kingdoms spreading good practice and sharing the art of re-building crumbling Kingdoms. This the Elves have mastered. This tablet again misleads villagers into thinking that the ancient law of majority rule can be overturned! At the battle of the 3rd there will be a victor. If the Orc's were to recapture the Shire the Dark Forces would have superior numbers on every committee. This is the ancient law of Political Balance. A pledge to scrap the Balance is undeliverable as this law comes from a much greater power than that possessed by Sauron and all his forces combined. (Unless he is thinking of standing as an MP and then becoming Prime Minister Sauron?!) Even if the Orcs were to return dismantle the fellowship and return to the ancient "talking shop" way of governance then, there would still have to be Political Balance and by default one Army with a majority.
For many days the Elves and Hobbits have spent many hours with Village elders explaining the failings of the Orc Policies. Those exposed to the dark Forces mind tricks have been cured by the Elves home visits, none have suffered long term mind damage. (Oh, sorry, I believe there was a chap in Edoras that couldn't be cured?)
With just 12 days left until the final clash the webmaster will keep a constant vigil on events to ensure that the Villagers of the Shire are protected from Saurons mind spells. The Elves are also out in force in pursuit of Gollum and his sneaks, there are rumours of sightings across the Shire yet to date Rhohirrim Cavalry have been unable to locate the treacherous band, even my constant trawl through the local chronicles have failed to discover Gollums whereabouts.
As the Elves now start to move into Mordor the closing chapters of the Elves Diary are sure to record events as they unfold.